I feel like I'm already joining the party late because so many of you have already posted pictures of your beautiful classrooms and mine is still not finished. Since you've let me peek into your world, I thought I would post a few pics of what I've done so far so you can take a look at my home away from home.
The door to my classroom.
This is what you see when you first walk in. Our school was completely remodeled a year and a half ago - how great are the cubbies?
The famous Pinterest clock wall with foam clocks from Target. I LOVE this idea. What a great visual way to remind the kids when things are going to happen while also supporting their emerging time-telling skills.
The front of my classroom with my BFF the Smartboard. How did I ever teach without one?
My reading corner. I still need to add some pillows (and perhaps a couple of Pina Coladas...)
My new Word Wall inspired by all of the great circle graphics Kristen uses at Ladybug's Teacher Files.
My favorite summer "makeover" project - my guided reading table. My sister helped make the table skirt (and when I say helped I really mean came to my house and sewed it while I held the fabric) and I got the ottomans on sale at Target. I'm very into teal and lime right now so I'm lovin' it!
I'll post some more pics when I'm finished. I hope your school year is off to a less bumpy start than mine. Have a great night!