I was thinking about doing All About Me bags this year as a way for the kids to get to know each other. The way they work is that each student brings a bag home and fills it up with things that represent who they are and things they like. Maybe Bobby will put in a red crayon because that's his favorite color and a baseball card because that's his favorite sport. Maybe Susie will put in a SpongeBob doll because that's her favorite TV show and a matchbox car because it's her favorite toy. It's a great way for the kids to share who they are and also a great way for you to assess oral language skills.
I poked around online for printed bags that I could buy. I looked at all of the websites I could think of, and saw a lot of 100th Day bags and Valentine's Day bags, but no All About Me bags. So I decided to tackle the problem by figuring out how to print them myself. Follow along and if you want to give them a try, you can grab the freebie down at the bottom of the post.
1. First you'll need to get paper lunch bags. I thought white would work the best, so I headed to Target. They have packs of colored lunch bags for $2.19. Score!
2. I worked forever to get the margins and alignment right, but I finally got everything to be hunky-dory. You just have to make sure that the bag is all the way over to the right of your printer's sheet feeder and that the folded end goes in first (see pic).
3. Send the bags home with your students. They can color them in to look like themselves, fill them up and then bring them back to school. They can then have their moment in the spotlight as they share their contents of the bag with their classmates. You can send the bags home all at once or just a few at a time.
4. Don't forget to make an All About Me bag of your own to share with your class. We all know how much they love to discover everything they can about us! Here's what's going in mine:
- I drive a Jeep and I LOVE it!
- A picture of my Mom and Dad with my dog Sally.
- I like to watch football games - go Steelers!
- A little beagle that looks like my sweet little Sally.
- An apple because they are my favorite fruit.
- Ewww! A spider because I'm terrified of them!
- A shell because I love the beach.
- A plane because I love to travel.